Masa press technology for BMO
Porta Westfalica 22 may 2023 - For the modernization of one of their production locations, BMO KS-Vertrieb Bielefeld-Münster-Osnabrück GmbH & Co. KG again rely on the latest press technology provided by Masa.
As largest provider in Northwestern Germany, BMO merchandise the products of 10 sand lime brick factories that are property of Baustoffwerke Münster-Osnabrück, Kalksandsteinwerke Westfalen-Lippe, Wüseke Baustoffwerke and Greffener Hartsteinwerke. At the production sites of the BMO group, 18 Masa HDP units are in use altogether. Seven of the presses, the so-called HDP 1200 Jumbo, produce large-size plane elements and Quadro bricks.
Up-to-date production at the Holdorf site
The BMO sand lime brick making plant at Holdorf can look back on a long history that started with its foundation in 1932 already. Thanks to continuous investments, this plant has always been one of the state-of-the-art plants in Germany. For example, in 1953 already, the plant was equipped with an automatic sand feeding system, and it started to produce perforated bricks in 1955. In 1993, with the help of a HDP 1200 Jumbo press, the first plane elements and large-size elements were manufactured in Northern Germany. A look at the operating records reveals the longevity and reliability of this press. Until now, more than three million working cycles for the manufacture of plane elements have been carried out. At the beginning of 2008, another Masa component for the manufacture of precise fitting pieces was installed: The sawing plant for fresh sand lime bricks enables the environmentally friendly and resource-saving production of fitting pieces. Combined with standard elements, these can then be supplied to the building site as complete construction sets for the planned building.
BMO production location in Holdorf [source: BMO]
Decision for new Masa press technology
Then, in 2022, the former cash cow, the old HDP press in Holdorf, was on trial. In intense discussions, Masa advised BMO on the two possible alternatives: Modernization of the old press or replacement investment in the latest press technology. Moreover, Masa presented various concepts to modify the control system and the new hydraulic system.
As decision-making support, BMO could refer to their own production location in Greven for a direct comparison of both systems. In 2020 already, Masa had supplied a new press type HDP 1200 Jumbo with servohydraulic system to this plant. In the same plant, BMO also use a press type HDP 1200 Jumbo with conventional hydraulic system. The advantages of the new press type become apparent in direct comparison: Optimized cycle time by considerably faster movements (dynamics), less noise emission and, most notably, less power consumption. With the servohydraulic system, Masa engineers were able to reduce the electrical power consumption (compared to the press with conventional hydraulic system) by approx. 25 %. For BMO, this means a completely new calculation base as to the economical manufacture of large-size products!
The new modern press type HDP 1200 Jumbo in Greven [source: BMO]
With signing the contract in March 2023, BMO and Masa have sealed the replacement of the old press by a new press HDP Jumbo with servohydraulic system. Thus, the course to a future-proof production with state-of-the-art press technology has been set. The detailed planning for a smooth exchange of the press has started already. Commissioning and start of production are scheduled for May 2024.