Nuestros productos de un vistazo:

Es un trabajo de largo recorrido desde las materias primas, pasando por la mezcla hasta al bloque de hormigón final. En este proceso participan muchos componentes. Solo si se coordinan las partes de la instalación, se garantizará un proceso sin problemas y buen rendimiento económico de la equipo de fabricación de prefabricados de hormigón. Conozca nuestras instalaciones de fabricación de prefabricados de hormigón.

La fabricación de hormigón poroso impone altas exigencias en el tratamiento y dosificación de la materia prima, la supervisión del proceso de fraguado y el control de todas las fases de fabricación. Las plantas de hormigón poroso de Masa se han perfeccionado a nivel técnico y se han concebido según las exigencias individuales de nuestros clientes. De esa forma son soluciones completas, que garantizan operaciones de procesos optimizados y muy económicos con una calidad constante del producto final. Conozca nuestras plantas de producción de hormigón celular.

Es un trabajo de largo recorrido desde las materias primas, pasando por la mezcla hasta la piedra final. En este proceso participan muchos componentes. Es necesario que las partes de la planta estén armonizadas entre sí para garantizar un funcionamiento sin contratiempos y rentable de la de planta de producción de ladrillo de arena y cal. Conozca nuestras instalaciones para la producción de ladrillo de arena y cal.

El camino que va de la materia prima, pasando por la mezcla, hasta llegar al bloque (o bordillo) final es largo. Las prensas de bordillos Masa han sido desarrolladas para cumplir, entre otros, los requisitos especiales de «British Standard» para los bordillos. Esta norma «British Standard» se aplica aún hoy en el Reino Unido y en ciertos países de Oriente Medio. Conozca nuestras plantas de fabricación de bordillos.

Nuestro servicio:

Las instalaciones y maquinaria de Masa se instalan y se ponen en marcha por parte de nuestros propios y experimentados montadores. De esta forma, Masa apuesta por personal especializado cualificado y formado en Alemania. Sepa más sobre el montaje y la puesta en marcha de su planta de producción.

El servicio lifetime Masa va mucho más allá del montaje y la puesta en marcha de una instalación. Masa hace uso del conocimiento específico y la experiencia industrial de más de 110 años de servicio. Infórmese ahora sobre la amplia gama de servicios de Masa Lifetime.

¿Necesita ayuda con su máquina? El Servicio Técnico de Masa destaca tanto por la calidad como por su accesibilidad notablemente mejorada. Ya se trate de "primeros auxilios" en el caso de problemas técnicos, actualizaciones, ampliaciones de funciones o consultas técnicas, el conocimiento del que disponemos en el marco del Servicio Técnico de Masa cubre una amplia gama de prestaciones. ¡Infórmese ahora!

Una de las claves para el aumento tanto de la calidad como de la productividad es la formación continua de los operarios de la maquinaria y del personal de mantenimiento.
El conocimiento obtenido dará rápidamente sus frutos, ya que tanto usted como sus empleados solo podrán apreciar la calidad de las máquinas o instalaciones de Masa si conocen todas sus funciones, opciones y ajustes. Sepa más sobre las formaciones de Masa para clientes.

¿Busca un interlocutor o un contacto? Le presentamos al Equipo de Servicio de Masa. Aquí encontrará todos los datos de contacto.

Masa Service Cloud es la última incorporación a la familia de productos digitales. Más información sobre este módulo y sus posibles aplicaciones.

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Fascination of the bauma - traditional company presented a large number of new and further developments

Munich 22 abr. 2016 - The trade fair appearance of the traditional German company Masa at the 31st world-leading fair for construction machines, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment in Munich once again offered lots of space for the presentation of technical innovations and expert discussions.

The trade fair booth, which extended over two floors, impressed visitors even at first glance with monumental exhibits. Guests and friends from all over the world were welcomed on a total booth area of 740 m².

Masa exhibited various plant components for the production of concrete blocks, sand lime bricks and AAC Products. The Masa HDP 800 sand lime brick press, e.g. left a lasting impression: with a height of 5.8 m and a weight of 36 t, the press was both the largest and heaviest exhibit at the Masa booth.

Three interactive beamer systems were used for the presentation of the Masa product range. These 100-inch projection screens were hugely popular on both levels of the Masa booth. Their playful character paved the way for the visitor to quickly enter the Masa product world. Moving 3D views invited one to look into the details.

With regard to the exhibits, the main attractions were the Masa XL 9.1 concrete block making machine, the Masa Cuboter and the Masa Splitter 1250.

Masa XL 9.1 concrete block making machine

The XL 9.1 in particular packs quite a punch: In addition to well-known high-tech features, the near-series prototype exhibited sprang some surprises with the following new features/innovations:

Servo pump for main filling box with MLC controller (successor of Mac 8)

In this system, two axial piston pumps connected in series are driven by a synchronous servo motor. The pressure and volumetric flow rate are regulated by control of the speed and the adjustment of the pivot angle. Additional flow control valves are no more required with this system.

This system proves to be particularly energy-efficient:

  • Energy is recovered from the oil flowing out.
  • No pressure drop at the flow control valves.
  • Power consumption in standby mode is very low.
  • There are only minimal losses due to less friction.
  • Lower heat is generated, hence the cooling power is reduced.

Masa expects savings of 15-20% compared to conventional hydraulic systems.

Face mix concrete Filling box with driven base

The execution with a driven base ensures the optimum distribution/supply of coloured face mix concrete to the filling box. The filling box drives forward with the base closed; as it drives back again, the base opens and the mould is filled.

Magnetic compaction head lock

Permanent magnets are used in magnetic compaction head lock; they are energised only for the magnetisation and demagnetisation. During operation, therefore, the magnets are de-energised and maintenance-free during operation.

Vibrating table amplitude monitor

Non-contact sensors are mounted underneath the vibrating table. These measure the amplitude of the vibrating table during production if necessary. This allows better planning of the manufacturing process and pending maintenance work.

A multi-colour system was presented above the Masa XL concrete block making machine: Coloured concrete is fed by rotatable dosing belts onto a mobile collection belt and transported to the face mix machine silo. The system allows reproducible colour repetitions at all times.

As the “highlight”, a face mix concrete mixer type S 350/500 was installed on the top platform of the Masa stand. This mixer is extremely well suited to the production of high-quality multi-colored face mix concrete products.

Masa Cuboter

The here exhibited Cuboter is distinguished by modern energy-saving servo technology. By DC link system and innovative robotic technology optimal flight curves (trajectories) can be realized. Thus, the cycle time is optimized and the installed capacity and energy consumption is reduced also it simplifies operation.

Interesting for the visitors: both the XL 9.1 concrete block making machine and the Cuboter could be seen in action and demonstrated their potential on spot.

Masa Splitter 1250

The latest version of the “big” Masa Splitter with a maximum splitting width of 1,250 mm was well worth seeing even in the disconnected state. The splitter consists of a stable frame construction and a flexibly-mounted splitting unit. Thanks to the special mounting of the splitting unit there are many adjustment options, allowing optimum adaptation to the product. Thanks to the product-related adjustment options, ideal splitting results are achieved in terms of the fracture behaviour and the breaking force to be applied.

Masa presented new camera system concept

In addition to impressive machines, Masa also had on offer the concept of a new camera system. The current Masa remote maintenance hardware can be expanded by a certain number of high-definition cameras. The production process can be monitored and documented in video sequences, even over a longer period. Remote plant components such as mixers or the delivery of raw materials can be directly monitored from the control station via cameras. For the plant operator this means a considerable saving of walking distances and time. Convenient for the customers: Masa can deliver a complete package, so that no other further devices are needed.

However, the new Masa concept features more than that: the live integration of Masa F-E-S Support is possible via an encrypted high-speed data connection via Redbox. The operator is given even greater flexibility and mobility through the use of his own Smartphone or tablet. Using the camera function, plant sections can be individually filmed, viewed live and recorded via integrated WLAN hotspots. Depending on the transmission rate, the sequence can then be made available to Masa Service either directly as a live stream or as a saved video file and provides for a further enhancement of the communication between customers and MASA Service.

bauma 2016