Nos produits en un coup d'œil :

Un long chemin mène des matières premières au mélange jusqu' au bloc fini. De nombreux composants de l'installation sont impliqués dans ce processus. Seule une adaptation parfaite des différents composants de l'installation permet de garantir le bon déroulement du processus et un fonctionnement économique de l'installation de production de blocs de béton. Découvrez nos installations de fabrication des produits en béton.

La production du béton cellulaire impose des exigences élevées en ce qui concerne la préparation et le dosage des matières premières, la surveillance du processus de levée et la commande de toutes les opérations de fabrication. Les installations de fabrication du béton cellulaire Masa sont techniquement éprouvées et conçues en fonction des exigences individuelles de nos clients. Il en résulte des solutions complètes, qui garantissent une rentabilité élevée, des processus optimisés et une qualité constante des produits finis. Découvrez nos installations pour la production de béton cellulaire.

Un long chemin mène des matières premières au mélange jusqu' aux blocs finis. De nombreux composants de l'installation sont impliqués dans ce processus. Seule une adaptation parfaite des différents composants de l'installation permet de garantir le bon déroulement du processus et un fonctionnement économique de l'installation de production de blocs silico-calcaires. Découvrez nos installations de production des blocs silico-calcaires.

Un long chemin mène des matières premières au mélange jusqu' aux bordures finies. Les presses pour la fabrication des bordures Masa on été développées entre autres pour satisfaire aux exigences spéciales des bordures selon le "British Standard". Ce "British Standard" est encore en vigueur dans les pays du Moyen-Orient et en Grande-Bretagne par exemple. En savoir plus sur nos installations de fabrication de bordures.

Notre service :

Les installations et les machines Masa sont installées et mises en service par nos monteurs expérimentés. À cet effet, Masa emploie du personnel spécialisé et formé en Allemagne. En savoir plus sur le montage et la mise en service de l'installation de fabrication.

Le service Lifetime Masa va bien au-delà du montage et de la mise en service d'une installation. Masa peut se prévaloir d'un savoir-faire spécifique et d'une expérience dans le secteur de plus de 110 ans. Obtenez dès maintenant des informations sur le large éventail de services Masa Lifetime.

Vous avez besoin d'assistance pour votre machine ? L'Assistance Masa met l'accent aussi bien sur la qualité que sur une disponibilité considérablement améliorée. Qu'il s'agisse de vous apporter les "premiers secours" en cas de problèmes techniques, de mises à jour, d'une extension des fonctions de votre installation de production, ou de répondre à des questions techniques, le savoir-faire mis à votre disposition dans le cadre de l'Assistance Masa couvre un large éventail de prestations. Informez-vous dès maintenant.

L'une des clés essentielles pour augmenter la productivité et la qualité est la qualification continue du personnel opérateur et de maintenance. Le savoir-faire acquis sera rapidement payant : En effet, vous ne pouvez apprécier à quel point une machine ou une installation Masa est efficace que si vous et vos collègues connaissez toutes les astuces et les préréglages de précision. En savoir plus sur les formations client Masa.

Vous cherchez un interlocuteur ? L'équipe Service client Masa se présente. Ici, vous trouverez toutes nos coordonnées de contact.

Masa Service Cloud est le dernier né de la famille des produits digitaux. Plus d'informations sur ce module et ses applications possibles.

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Nouvelles du groupe Masa

Nouvelles et communiqués de presse

With Masa WhiteHUB, a unique supplier of AAC and sand-lime brick plants is emerging in Europe

Porta Westfalica 15 janv. 2025 - Masa WhiteHUB – The new name now represents the combined expertise of two leading machine manufacturers. Masa GmbH and Hess AAC Systems B.V. have sealed their group-internal collaboration under this new umbrella brand for the autoclaved aerated concrete product area.

The merger makes Masa WhiteHUB to a unique supplier of AAC and sand-lime brick plants on the largest scale in Europe. For AAC manufacturers, Masa WhiteHUB serves as a central hub, bringing together years of experience in various manufacturing processes such as flat cake or upright processes, as well as Durox or Hebel production technologies, offering customised solutions for the growing market demands.

Customers now benefit more than ever from the extensive knowledge and experience of the sales engineers and technicians in Porta Westfalica and Enschede. Under the Masa WhiteHUB concept, they continue to drive advancements in the AAC and sandlime brick industry. While the name is new, the proven expertise of both brands, built on over 120 years of company history, along with familiar contacts and a joint management team at both locations, remains unchanged. The high number of AAC and sand-lime brick plants installed worldwide underscores their meaningful importance.

Managing Director Henrik Schmidt, Managing Director Andreas Markiewicz, and Office Manager René Immink in front of the company building in Enschede

Efficient AAC plants with unique flexibility

Equipped with state-of-the-art machinery, Masa WhiteHUB manufactures efficient, sustainable components and plants for the building materials industry. The plant systems are designed in such a way that each plant is optimised to meet market requirements.

Masa WhiteHUB emphasises variability and flexibility: The plants offer the possibility of an economical entry into AAC production and can be expanded step by step. The portfolio ranges from pilot plants for a wide variety of applications to AAC plants with daily production volumes of over 2,000 m³. From ECO to high-end, from pure block production to the manufacture of large-format products with reinforcement, the range of possibilities is virtually unlimited.

Masa WhiteHUB production hall in Porta Westfalica

In close and targeted dialogue with its customers, Masa WhiteHUB accompanies the development of a production plant from precise planning and reliable production through to safe commissioning and beyond. Always keeping an eye on progress, the engineers in Porta Westfalica and Enschede also develop customised special solutions and innovative test components for their customers. This enables customers to test and optimise new processes and technologies before producing them on a large scale. This minimises risks, saves costs, and speeds up the market launch of new products.

A dedicated technology centre is available for chemical, physical and mineralogical analyses of the respective raw materials, as well as for the development of customer-specific, optimal recipes.

Everything from a single source

The design of an AAC plant is always a complete solution. Special areas, such as for the production of reinforcement cages and frames, can be considered right from the start. Purchased parts like ball mills, steam boilers, or autoclaves can be integrated, with their technical processing handled in-house by Masa WhiteHUB project engineers. Worldwide, Masa WhiteHUB customers have a fixed contact person and coordinator who understands their specific needs and can quickly respond to individual customer requirements with the extensive knowledge gained through this collaboration.

Highly qualified support - for the entire life of the plant

The expertise and experience of both companies pay off. This is also reflected in the high reliability, optimal availability, long service life, and required safety of the corresponding AAC plants. The cost-effectiveness and quality of the products to be produced are always at the forefront. Tailored to specific needs and objectives, Masa WhiteHUB supports AAC manufacturers with highly qualified support teams in Porta Westfalica, Enschede, and worldwide subsidiaries through:

  • Customised inspections to detect any defects or damage
  • Targeted repair measures to restore the operational readiness of a plant as quickly as possible
  • Step-by-step plant expansions to increase the performance of a plant or expand the product portfolio
  • Comprehensive plant modernisation to increase competitiveness and remain competitive
  • Practical training measures for plant personnel to maintain the expertise and skills required for optimal plant operation at a high level.

In the right place at the right time: optimized spare parts logistics

A reliable spare parts supply is the key to ensuring the availability of machines and plants. Masa WhiteHUB improves this by merging into a global network of subsidiaries and spare parts warehouses as well as through optimised logistics processes. Many spare parts are manufactured directly in-house. From the Porta Westfalica site alone, over 5,000 spare parts can be dispatched immediately from stock. Additionally, various raw materials are available for further processing in a storage area of more than 600 m². The after-sales team in Porta Westfalica and Enschede ensures a fast and just-in-time spare parts supply for all existing and new customers. The aim is clear: to accept and process spare parts inquiries without delay and to dispatch the original spare parts as quickly as possible. To ensure reliable delivery, Masa WhiteHUB works with world-renowned shipping companies.

Reliable spare parts supply from subsidiaries worldwide

Cross-border financing concepts

As a brand with locations in Germany and the Netherlands, Masa WhiteHUB can offer attractive financing conditions for investments. These are supported by both German and Dutch export credit agencies. Thanks to the close cooperation with Masa WhiteHUB’s financial partners, interesting co-financing solutions are created that allow customers to realise their investment projects efficiently and cost-effectively.

Masa WhiteHUB @ bauma 2025

At bauma, the world's leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment, which opens its doors for the 34th time in Munich in April, Masa WhiteHUB will present itself as part of the Masa family in Hall B1.347 with analogue and digital milestones. Visitors to the Masa booth can look forward to exhibits, innovations, and information from the fields of AAC and sand-lime brick production, as well as concrete block production, and enter into dialogue with the experts. Find out more in Munich about the best of these worlds and the expertise that has now been pooled. Experience Masa WhiteHUB and its benefits together with our experts from Porta Westfalica and Enschede!