21 Mar 2025
When using AAC in components such as wall panels, roofs, and ceilings, where it is exposed to bending stresses, corrosion-resistant, individual reinforcements are required. Masa WhiteHUB provides AAC manufacturers with a state-of-the-art plant concept, featuring efficient control systems and a high level of automation. Reinforcement will also be a topic at the Masa booth in Munic.
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12 Mar 2025
Masa is working on a new intelligent plant control system in a promising research and development project. The aim is to achieve a more harmonious production process, reduced wear and improved energy efficiency, thereby increasing the overall productivity of a concrete block and paver making plant. Initial results will be presented at bauma 2025.
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11 Feb 2025
Masa will showcase its new product for non-contact inspection and measurement of concrete products in Munich. This inline system detects various product defects, measures product height across the entire production board, and inspects the boards themselves.
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11 Feb 2025
Masa WhiteHUB, as part of the Masa family, will be showcasing both analogue and digital milestones at the Masa booth in hall B1.347. Among other things, visitors are invited to explore exhibits, innovations, and information related to the production of AAC and sand lime bricks. Making its debut at the trade fair is the Masa Production Reporting System.
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15 Jan 2025
Masa WhiteHUB – The new name now represents the combined expertise of two leading machine manufacturers. Masa GmbH and Hess AAC Systems B.V. have sealed their group-internal collaboration under this new umbrella brand for the autoclaved aerated concrete product area.
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20 Dec 2024
In times when political tensions and challenges often build walls rather than bridges, it is more important than ever to work together to find constructive solutions. Thank you for your valuable collaboration.
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9 sept 2024
La idea de sostenibilidad caracterizó muchos aspectos de un gran proyecto de Ehl-AG. Tras amplias medidas de modernización, la planta de Wittenburg es ahora la instalación más moderna de la empresa. Además de Masa, Ehl contó con otros conocidos socios para la planificación y realización del proyecto.
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10 jul 2024
Asian Concreto invirtió en la tecnología de la planta Masa hace casi siete años y se ha convertido rápidamente en el mayor productor de bloques de hormigón de Nepal. Los codiciados productos son ahora también una de las principales exportaciones a la India. Frank Reschke viajó recientemente a Bhairawaha para comprobar en persona el éxito de la empresa nepalesa.
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6 jun 2024
Masa GmbH y la empresa austriaca Maschinenfabrik Liezen Faserzementanlagen GesmbH (MFL Fibre Cement) han firmado recientemente un acuerdo de cooperación para atender el mercado mundial de materiales de construcción ligeros con soluciones conjuntas.
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17 Jan 2024
According to the Federal Statistical Office*, almost half of all employees in Germany have worked for their current employer for at least ten years. Edgar Schmitz, a true Masa original, can easily exceed this figure. He has remained loyal to Masa for 48 years - even after his retirement. It was his expertise that was also the basis for the recently published report “It's the filling that counts”.
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22 dic 2023
Le agradecemos su cordial cooperación y esperamos realizar proyectos interesantes con usted en el próximo año.
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26 jun 2023
Dos adoquines procedentes de Alemania: en retrospectiva, un recuerdo poco espectacular allanó el camino para una larga relación comercial entre Elis Pavaje y Masa. Lo que une a las dos empresas: una pasión compartida por los productos de hormigón y la búsqueda de la perfección. Esto se ha demostrado recientemente con una planta de última generación en Arad.
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30 May 2023
In May 2021, IAB Weimar (Weimar Institute of Applied Construction Research) started the project "Concrete factory of the future".
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22 May 2023
For the modernization of one of their production locations, BMO KS-Vertrieb Bielefeld-Münster-Osnabrück GmbH & Co. KG again rely on the latest press technology provided by Masa.
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2 feb 2023
Masa se enorgullece de comunicar que se ha producido el primer pastel de hormigón celular en AKFA Group, Uzbekistán. Esto fue precedido con la finalización del montaje mecánico y eléctrico de la planta en la nueva planta de producción en Tashkent, así como la puesta en servicio de las áreas automáticas individuales.
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1 feb 2023
La empresa norteamericana Oldcastle APG también apuesta por un concepto de planta altamente fiable para la producción de prefabricados de hormigón en su última planta de Ridgeway, Carolina del Sur. El corazón de la planta es la máquina de fabricación de bloques Masa XL 9.1.
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12 oct 2022
Para Ebenseer GmbH, es una prioridad absoluta que la producción sostenible se haga de acuerdo con las últimas normas medioambientales, de seguridad y de calidad. Por ello, la empresa invirtió en una planta de producción mejorada en la planta de Vorchdorf. Es por ello que, Masa ha suministrado la más moderna tecnología de máquinas.
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30 Sept 2022
Masa is renowned for the supply of solid, technically mature and reliable solutions. This includes the control system. The supply of the first AAC plant with complete TIA programming (visualisation system and program) was therefore strategically planned for the long term and implemented properly.
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3 ago 2022
Masa expondrá en la bauma 2022 de Múnich la hormigonera PH 2000/3000 optimizada para la producción de hormigón en masa y la hormigonera frontal especial S 350/500, además de otras exposiciones interesantes. Para ambos modelos, los ingenieros de Masa han desarrollado en los últimos meses nuevas funciones orientadas al servicio, que se expondrán allí por primera vez.
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15 jul 2022
Masa mantiene un intenso diálogo con los operadores de las plantas. Basándose en esto, el equipo de Masa planificó, diseñó y construyó la mezcladora de alto rendimiento HPM 2. Como nueva generación de mezcladoras, la HPM 2 ya representa la solución para la producción de hormigón celular del futuro.
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20 jun 2022
Masa desarrolla regularmente soluciones individuales con sus socios comerciales que van más allá del núcleo real de la ingeniería mecánica. Esto se puede ilustrar bien con uno de los proyectos más recientes. en el que Masa, junto con su socio comercial, va más allá de la ingeniería y es capaz de estructurar también la financiación de la inversión para el cliente.
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23 Mar 2022
Social responsibility, economic performance and environmental protection are inseparable in the sense of the basic idea of sustainable production. Masa had the energy consumption and consumers at the Andernach and Porta Westfalica sites systematically recorded, analyzed and evaluated. Masa then implemented the catalog of measures derived from this.
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18 Mar 2022
After more than one year since commissioning, the investor of our autoclaved aerated concrete plant in Jiujiang (China) is very satisfied. We spoke to him in a short interview ...
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16 feb 2022
Con la creciente presión competitiva, garantizar la mayor disponibilidad posible de la planta es cada vez más importante para los productores de bloques de hormigón. En una entrevista con el editor de BWi, Mark Küppers, el experto de Masa, Markus Feix, habla de la importancia de la copia de seguridad de los datos en la producción y de la solución de Masa Smart BackUp.
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10 feb 2022
Pérdida de los datos de las recetas y de los procesos debido a la rotura del disco duro. ¿Ha pensado alguna vez en esto? No arriesgue su trabajo de desarrollo de los últimos años. Hoy en día, en caso de fallo del disco duro, no hay necesidad de perder ninguna receta o datos de proceso que haya desarrollado intensamente. La solución de Masa para este peor escenario se llama ahora Masa Smart BackUp.
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14 Jan 2022
Porevit is a leading Russian manufacturer in the production of modern sand lime bricks, and its pavers have been added to the list of “Russia’s 100 Best Goods.” Recently, the company again extended its portfolio with the purchase and commissioning of a new Masa concrete block manufacturing plant.
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6 ene 2022
Las empresas alemanas están rompiendo un tabú. Por un valor que ponen por encima de su marca, cambian sus logotipos. Todos con el mismo mensaje: ¡Vacúnate! Nosotros también apoyamos esta campaña de vacunación.
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20 dic 2021
Le agradecemos su cordial cooperación y esperamos realizar proyectos interesantes con usted en el próximo año.
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26 oct 2021
En los último años, se han establecido diferentes tecnologías en la producción. En el número actual de AAC worldwide, Masa ofrece información sobre el proceso de la mesa de impacto, muy común en Europa del Este. La particularidad de esta tecnología es la importante reducción del agua utilizada y el aumento selectivo de la viscosidad de la mezcla del hormigón celular.
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6 oct 2021
Gebr. Zieglowski GmbH & Co. KG confía en el fiable equipamiento de maquinaria de Masa para la ampliación permanente de su planta de producción en Kruft. Recientemente se ha completado con éxito una amplia medida de modernización iniciada el año pasado.
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16 Sept 2021
The largest construction fair in the Middle East takes place regularly in Dubai under the name The Big 5 Show/MEC. In the separated exhibition area for construction machinery, equipment and tools, Masa GmbH was represented with its own exhibition booth. Numerous interested parties and customers took the opportunity to hold technical discussions on site.
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19 Jun 2021
With the abolition of the general vaccination prioritization, vaccinations have also been possible in German companies since June 7, 2021. But the vaccine against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus is still in short supply. According to the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), the initial quota for company and factory vaccinations in week 23 was 702,000 doses of Comirnaty® (Biontech / Pfizer).
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18 Jun 2021
For the past year, the South Korean company Decopave Co, Ltd. has been manufacturing trend-setting concrete products on a large scale. When choosing the ideal concrete block production plant, Decopave also focused on well-known German manufacturers: With a high-tech block production plant from Masa GmbH, the production of high-quality paving stones is running at full speed.
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24 May 2021
The 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Experience in the Production and Use of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete» is traditionally held biennially in Minsk. Leading researchers and experts from many countries around the world take part in the conference, making it a forward-looking platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience.
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26 abr 2021
La composición y la calidad de las materias primas, en su mayoría disponibles en la región, así como el diseño del proceso de producción, influyen directamente en la calidad del producto acabado. Masa GmbH ve su competencia no sólo como un eficiente fabricante de máquinas e instalaciones, sino también como un acasesor en el diseño, fabricación y procesamiento de productos.
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29 mar 2021
El éxito de la gestión de crisis tiene mucho que ver con la determinación. En los últimos meses, Masa ha demostrado que, a pesar de las estrictas restricciones de contacto en todo el mundo, es posible mantener vínculos beneficiosos con clientes y socios comerciales. A ello contribuye la serie de eventos en línea "Masa Webinars", que se puso en marcha hace poco menos de un año.
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19 mar 2021
La feria comercial de éxito internacional para la industria del hormigón ICCX se ha ampliado recientemente con un evento digital. ICCX digital 365 ofrece ahora una plataforma de eventos en el espacio digital a la que se puede acceder en todo el mundo y a todas horas durante todo el año. Masa GmbH se presenta allí con un atractivo stand de exposición virtual.
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1 Mar 2021
Besides the standard plane elements, typically 20 - 30 % of ready-made, prefabricated fitting pieces are used when building walls. On the construction site, sawing the products is a time-consuming and labour-intensive activity, whereas in the sand lime factory it can be done much more economically. Masa has a proven solution for the production of these precisely fitting supplementary bricks.
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11 Feb 2021
Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the fifth season of the year is unfortunately cancelled for all carnival friends.
For understandable reasons, the annual reception of carnival clubs from Andernach here at Masa is also cancelled. We take our social responsibility, especially towards our employees, very seriously.
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20 ene 2021
Nos complace presentar a nuestro nuevo Jefe de Ventas Internas, el Sr. Dipl. Ing. Hans-Werner Höper. El Sr. Höper asume sus tareas en el departamento de ventas internas desde el 18.01.2021 y no es completamente inexperto en este campo.
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15 ene 2021
Masa GmbH ha nombrado a los señores Paul y Helsper como firmantes autorizados de la empresa. La inscripción formal de este nombramiento en el registro mercantil ha tenido lugar.
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14 ene 2021
Estamos muy orgullosos de ser patrocinador de oro de nuestro antiguo y muy apreciado cliente, el Grupo de Empresas Assarain en Ruwi, Muscat, en el famoso mega "Concurso de Salto" con los mejores jinetes, en Al Rayyan Stables.
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18 dic 2020
Estimado client, amigo
Gracias por la buena y entrañable cooperación. Esperamos poder volver a apoyarlos en el próximo año.
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7 Dec 2020
Jasto Baustoffwerke has been a supplier of high-quality building material products for more than 70 years. In the middle of the Volcanic Eifel, Jasto sets standards for wall building materials, materials for gardening and landscaping and products for fireplace construction. Masa GmbH is not entirely unaffected by their success.
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30 Oct 2020
The future production requirements will bring high demands in terms of efficiency, variability and sustainability. Masa GmbH supports its customers in the digital transformation with the development of a special API (Application Programming Interface).
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23 Oct 2020
As a company providing vocational training approved by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Masa has trained junior employees in various fields for many years. Thus, Masa can provide the required manpower and secure the company future. When the young people have completed their training, their professional career is supported further on.
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28 Aug 2020
Under the category "Innovation Germany" the German daily newspaper 'Die Welt' published a report about Masa GmbH in its online edition. Both the film contribution "Masa GmbH - From a blacksmith's shop to an innovation leader" and the accompanying short article, are absolutely worth seeing.
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14 Aug 2020
Despite difficult circumstances due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the new concrete block production plant in Danyang, South Korea, was successfully commissioned. The world's first Masa XL-R, the premium model of Masa block making machines, is now producing a wide range of concrete blocks, paving stones and kerbstones.
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7 Aug 2020
Since August 3, 2020, all doors and career opportunities have been opened to seven young talents: Highly motivated, they start their training at Masa GmbH. With the provision of apprenticeships, the mechanical engineering company is sending a clear signal towards the future - despite Covid-19.
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31 Jul 2020
The ability to collect, store, and interpret data across your business activities in an up to date and unified format is becoming increasingly important. A well integrated system allows you to better plan your companies resources and understand KPI’s (key performance indicators) to make better business decisions and drive your companies profitibality and growth.
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18 Jun 2020
The Spanish concrete block producer De La Jara invested in the future with an extensive modernization project and now produces a wide range of paving stones on a reliable and efficient Masa machine that leaves nothing to be desired.
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30 Apr 2020
Saying goodbye to his daily professional life at Masa GmbH and heading into a well-deserved retirement, we would like to thank our long-time employee Mr. Shahryer Anwar Jamil Djaff for our years together and wish him a lot of health and energy.
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24 Apr 2020
Dear customers,
Our day-to-day personal and economic lives have been strongly influenced by the novel COVID-19 virus for several weeks with many restrictions still being in place.
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6 Apr 2020
As a highly successful private manufacturer of blocks, pavers and kerbstones with several production sites throughout Great Britain, Plasmor Ltd. relies on the expert knowledge of the German engineering company Masa GmbH, whose plants, among others, are operating in Widnes and Knottingley for many years.
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31 Mar 2020
After almost 22 years in the service of Masa GmbH, Joachim Leske has now taken his well-deserved retirement.
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18 Mar 2020
Florian Bamberger is the new managing director of the branch office in Bangkok, which was officially opened in January 2020. With the new office, Masa will intensify its market development in South East Asia, move significantly closer to the customers and increase the support in their local activities.
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13 Mar 2020
The Betonwerk Ramböck GmbH, based in St. Georgen, Austria, has evolved from a small company producing terrazzo and roof tiles to a leading manufacturer of building materials and landscape products. For more than 35 years, Masa GmbH is a long term partner of this success.
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14 Feb 2020
The building materials industry in Central and South America has development potential, despite all political and economic circumstances. In order to be even better positioned locally in the long term, four new partners have recently been acquired.
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12 Feb 2020
Masa expands its portfolio in the sector "Service and Support": The machine inspection “Masa Health Check” can be used as a part of a preventive maintenance and service measure.
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7 Feb 2020
As an alternative to the conventional solution – and at no greater cost – the market leader Masa is equipping its established sand-lime brick presses with hydraulic pumps driven by servo motors. These run only when required by the process, saving up to 35 percent of energy, especially for larger products with longer cycle and idle times.
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13 Jan 2020
For decades the South German company BWL Betonwerk Linden has been supplying excellent products for all areas of garden, landscape and urban design. In addition to extensive site expansions, the company has also regularly invested in far-reaching modernisations in the past.
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6 Jan 2020
For more than 45 years ZAO "Prominvest" Group of Companies is operating a sand-lime brick production plant and developed to one of the leading manufacturers in Russia. By commissioning of the second Masa plant, a new aerated autoclaved concrete plant in 2019, the promising expansion of the product portfolio was targeted.
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10 Dec 2019
Since autumn 2019, one of our customers benefits from Masa's sophisticated production technology and is producing accurate fitting supplementary elements on a state-of-the-art sand-lime brick sawing plant.
The fitting elements, fully automatic cut on the new sawing line, are required for the sand-lime masonry.
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5 Dec 2019
Masa provides block making machines equipped with amplitude-controlled vibration serially with an automatic central lubrication system. The manual supply of lubrication points with lubricant is now a thing of the past! Masa customers benefit from a smart investment in plant availability, productivity, efficiency and safety.
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26 nov 2019
Compartimos nuestros conocimientos con usted! En directo y en tiempo real.
Esto es posible sin problemas gracias a la asistencia en línea ampliada de Masa: Mediante una pantalla con control de voz y cámara (gafas de datos), se establece una conexión en directo entre el técnico del cliente y el empleado de soporte en línea de Masa.
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18 Nov 2019
The 2019 IOD London Global Convention, organized by the Institute of Directors India, took place from 13th to 16th November 2019 in London, chaired by The Baroness Verma. As Managing Director of Masa Concrete Plants India Pvt. Ltd., Mr. Abraj Vettuparampil felt truly honored to attend the congress.
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12 nov 2019
Los días 24 y 25 de noviembre de 2019, Masa estará representada de nuevo como patrocinador de platino en el ICCX de Sharjah. Después de dos eventos muy exitosos en 2017 y 2018, el ICCX Middle East se ha establecido como un evento importante en la industria del hormigón y los prefabricados de hormigón en Oriente Medio.
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24 Oct 2019
A special Masa plant is just about to start installation: The new XL-R 9.1 block making machine and the extensive equipment for the complete plant ring were recently delivered on time to South Korea and will soon be installed by the experienced Masa team.
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22 Oct 2019
Every year, the University of Sankt Gallen updates its list of world market leaders. 450 companies are currently listed. Masa GmbH has again been included in this ranking!
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21 Oct 2019
Mii Dvir has been operating on the Ukrainian market since the early 1990s. With the latest investment in a high-performance production line from the German manufacturer Masa GmbH, Mii Dvir has now been able to further expand its market position.
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18 Oct 2019
During the Masa factory tour joined by SPD member of parliament Mr. Marc Ruland, who was accompanied by the Lord Mayor of Andernach, Mr. Achim Hütten, the Masa CEO´s Frank Reschke and Volker Zurheide presented the different areas of the traditional engineering company.
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1 oct 2019
Alrededor de 20 corredores de Masa GmbH aceptaron el reto de la carrera de la compañía monte mare en septiembre de 2019. Con un total de casi 1.000 participantes, la quinta edición de la compañía batió un nuevo récord de asistencia.
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16 Sept 2019
At the end of August 2019, the second and third year apprentices of all apprenticeships at Masa GmbH (Andernach) and another Masa employee were able to experience the automated production of concrete blocks up close.
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2 Sept 2019
About 250 km westwards from Kathmandu in 2018, one of the most modern and largest concrete block production plants in Nepal was put into operation. Founded in 2017, the company Asian Concreto Pvt. Ltd. has since then been producing a comprehensive range of high-quality concrete block products for a wide range of architectural projects.
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19 Aug 2019
More than 40 companies and universities from the region around Andernach presented their apprenticeship offers at the START 2020 Apprenticeship Fair. The fair in Andernach's Mittelrheinhalle once again attracted numerous pupils and thus offered an ideal information platform for interested young people.
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10 Jul 2019
Buildexpo Africa is the largest East African construction fair. Exhibitors from over 40 countries presented their products and innovations from 04 - 06 July 2019 at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, on a total area of more than 10,000 m². Masa GmbH was represented with its own booth and discussed in detail with the specialist audience.
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29 Apr 2019
The company Unilock, North American premium manufacturer of concrete blocks/pavers and long-standing business partner of Masa GmbH, is supporting the Answering T.T.P Foundation for many years. As a platinum sponsor of the foundation, Masa GmbH is also involved in the fight against the TTP disease.
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15 Apr 2019
Seven days bauma in Munich: Masa used the world's leading trade fair as an international meeting place and offered plenty of opportunities for intensive expert talks and specialist discussions on a large and very modern booth.
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11 Mar 2019
As the largest international trade fair for the construction, building materials and mining industries, bauma casts its shadow ahead. Preparations for the as usual spacious Masa booth are in full swing in Andernach and Porta Westfalica. The exhibition area extends over two floors and 740 m², where interesting Masa exhibits can be seen.
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1 Feb 2019
As suppliers and consultants to the concrete industry, Beton Machinery Sales are very proud to represent the combined solutions and specialised skills offered by Masa at this year’s UK Concrete Show (UKCS 2019).
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1 Jan 2019
At the turn of the year, Masa GmbH retired its long-standing Managing director Rolf Ovesiek.
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11 Dec 2018
In cooperation with the German-Emirati Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK) and with the support of the Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the 2nd International Concrete Conference and Exhibition (ICCX) Middle East was opened on 25 November 2018 in the Expo Center Sharjah by His Excellency Marwan bin Jassim Al Sarkal, CEO of the Sharjah Investment and Development Authority (Shurooq).
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22 Nov 2018
On November 25/26, 2018 the ICCX Middle East will take place in Sharjah for the second time. The international trade fair concentrates exclusively on the concrete and precast industry.
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10 sept 2018
Since 1st September 2018, Frank Reschke and Volker Zurheide have been directing the fortunes of the German machine and plant manufacturer from Andernach.
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1 Sept 2018
From 2013 to 2018 Dipl.-Oec. Udo Klaußner was managing director of the Masa Group. Shortly after taking up his duties, he was also appointed Spokesman of the Executive Board. After 5 years of service, he has now retired.
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17 Aug 2018
From 16 to 19 October 2018, the 12th International Conference on Concrete Block Pavement (ICCBP 2018) will take place in Seoul.
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16 Aug 2018
Masa supports the 6th ICAAC in Potsdam (Germany) as Gold Sponsor. The international AAC conference will take place from September 4 to 6, 2018 at Potsdam University.
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1 Jun 2018
Seven prospective industrial and machining mechanics at Masa GmbH have invested a great deal of time and energy in a somewhat unusual project over the past few months. The heart of the Masa block making plant, the Masa XL block making machine, was built by the trainees with great attention to detail on a scale of 1:10.
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28 May 2018
Masa has been one of the most important exhibitors at the Concrete Show in Mumbai since its inception. The Concrete Show 2018 was held from 24 to 26 May at the Bombay Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) in Mumbai and attracted a growing number of businesses and visitors.
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7 May 2018
Masa has completely revised the previous online presence of the "Service and Support" division and is now also presenting itself here in an informative and clear manner. With the new ordering principle, the entire range of the Masa service is shown.
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3 May 2018
At the 21st Buildexpo Africa, Masa welcomed and informed trade visitors from all over East Africa and the surrounding regions at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC).
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16 Apr 2018
From May 29 - 31, 2018, the interested professional public is again invited to participate in the 10th International Scientific and Technical Conference "Operating Experience and Use of AAC", which will take place in Minsk and Mogilev.
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12 Mar 2018
Masa GmbH is represented at the BIG Show Oman from 12 - 14 March 2018 with an exhibition booth. The Masa team was particularly pleased about the visit of Dr. Volker Wissing, Minister of Economics of Rhineland-Palatinate. During his visit Dr. Wissing discussed the current market situation in Oman with Frank Reschke (Head of Sales / Member of the Management Board) and Olga Vercammen.
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31 Jan 2018
The renowned University of St. Gallen lists a total of 461 German companies in its world market leader index in 2018.
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9 Dec 2017
For the 13th time in a row, the ICCX Russia took place in St. Petersburg. The event is an unique combination of conference and trade show covering all aspects of modern concrete production / technology. Again, a variety of interesting and up-to-date topics were offered.
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1 Dec 2017
The International Concrete Conference & Exhibition (ICCX Middle East 2017) made its debut at Expo Centre Sharjah on November 2017. Marwan Jassim Al Sarkal, CEO of Sharjah Investment & Development Authority (Shurooq) and Saif Mohammed Al Midfa, CEO of Expo Centre Sharjah, inaugurated the first ICCX Middle East.
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24 Oct 2017
On November 26th and 27th, 2017, the ICCX Middle East, an international conference focusing 100% on the concrete and precast industries, will take place in Sharjah for the first time.
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23 Oct 2017
For decades Masa has been trained young people in a wide range of professions. In order to be able to train successfully the required specialists in the future, Masa is always looking for motivated talents. The participation in the fair "Start 2018" on 23.10.2017 in the fair hall Andernach was therefore a must and of course very successfully for Masa GmbH.
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29 Sept 2017
Also this year Masa received a small clientele at their office in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The first “Masa Open House " took place in 2016 and was repeated now due to the good response. In addition to a Green Bay office tour, the entire crew of the Masa-USA team introduced themselves face-to-face.
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20 Sept 2017
Together with about 400 other former apprentices, Timo Schmitt was honored by the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Koblenz for his very good test results.
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8 Sept 2017
At the beginning of September 2017, 18 Masa trainess, two Masa interns (students) and some other Masa employees (headquarters Andernach) took the opportunity to experience the automated production of concrete blocks and pavers at close range.
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8 Sept 2017
40 runners from Masa GmbH took up the challenge of the 3rd “Andernach company marathon” in September 2017. On the circular course through the Rhine promenade of Andernach, participants demonstrated endurance and performance, combined with the necessary fun factor.
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19 Jul 2017
The Third International Conference "Belyj Kamen-2017 - Development Industry of Sand Lime Bricks" took place in the Central Russian city of Yaroslavl from 19 to 20 July.
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7 Jul 2017
In July 2017 the aerated concrete factory "OOO Egorjewskij Sawod stroitelnyh materialow" celebrated its 5-years existence.
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28 Apr 2017
For Masa a comprehensive and continuous development is always the key to success. Among that, the focus is on the optimization of spare parts logistics. Masa customers will benefit from significantly improved spare parts supply in the future. The foundation stone for this was laid with the planning and construction of a new spare parts distribution hall in Andernach.
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9 Jan 2017
Masa continuously works on development as one of its key to success. One current focus is improved optimization of the spare parts and logistics. Masa customers will benefit from the improved centralization and streamling of the spare parts stock and organization systems. The foundation stone was laid in the planning and commencement of construction of a new spare parts storage.
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19 Dec 2016
At the end of the year 2016, Masa welcomed some customers in its subsidiary in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The two-day visit was crowned by the exciting home win of the Green Bay Packers, defeating the Seattle Seahawks 38 to 10.
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15 Dec 2016
For more than 40 years, Masa GmbH, Andernach has been supplying concrete block making machines and plants to the Middle East. Given the steady increase in orders, it was decided in 2001 to found a branch abroad in Jebel Ali Freezone/Dubai. Masa Middle East was born.
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14 Dec 2016
Masa supports the German-wide Girls Day 2017 with their own trial offer. Under the motto "Girls and Machines", we open our doors for pupils from the fifth grade on 27.04.2017 in Andernach.
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6 Jun 2016
Also this year Masa GmbH joined the 17th construction equipment and technologies Show CTT in Moscow and remains still loyal to the Russian market.
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22 Apr 2016
The trade fair appearance of the traditional German company Masa at the 31st world-leading fair for construction machines, building material machines, mining machines, construction vehicles and construction equipment in Munich once again offered lots of space for the presentation of technical innovations and expert discussions.
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18 Mar 2016
With the relaunch of the corporate website, the Masa Group presents itself in a state-of-the-art and attractive design. All information around the long-established company and its range of products is presented target group-specifically and invites to further reading.
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10 Mar 2016
Masa has the complete know-how for the high-quality mass production of lightweight and heavyweight concrete blocks as well as sand lime bricks and AAC blocks.
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29 Jan 2016
On 29th January 2016, Mr Klaus Wilms, an employee of longstanding at Masa GmbH in Andernach, departed into welldeserved retirement.
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6 Nov 2015
Masa – Investing in young people to produce highly qualified staff.
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3 Aug 2015
On 3 August 2015 Mechthild Heil (Christian Democratic Union), Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) for the electoral district Ahrweiler/Mayen visited the Masa factory workshop in Andernach.
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7 Jul 2015
The international and highly successful company Masa celebrated its 110th birthday during two days near the end of June, 2015. Nearly 800 customers, employees and their families and friends accepted Masa's invitation to this special event.
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19 Feb 2015
The 1st international conference "Russia's paving slabs market: growth factors" organized by the Russian company "Max conference" took place in spring 2015 in Moscow. More than 100 specialists were welcomed at the 5 star Hotel "Marriott Moscow Royal Aurora". The company Masa and the Russian company Vybor-S participated as general partner in this conference.
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24 Nov 2014
The Splitton Association, an organization of manufacturers of concrete products and concrete blocks in Japan, visited the headquarters and production facilities of Masa GmbH in Andernach on 17th October 2014, to learn about the latest block making machines for concrete blocks and concrete slabs.
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14 Oct 2014
.In July 2014 a further Masa AAC plant had been put into operation in Dezhou, Shandong Provinz, P.R. of China. Not only the very high production capacity of daily 1.440 m³ is an awesome target which could be reached successfully, but also the environmentally aware and future-oriented plant conception, which had been coordinated very well between customer and Masa, is very remarkable.
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22 Jul 2014
The longstanding German company Masa GmbH in Andernach, an international leader in the production of machines and equipment for the concrete block industry, will in future be majority-owned by the industry participation fund CGS III (Jersey) L.P. (CGS).
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19 May 2014
In April 2014 the most modern dosing- and mixing plant in the Ukraine was put into operation. Magik Ltd. was founded in April 1993 and developed rapidly into one of the leading manufacturers of high quality concrete blocks in the Ukraine.
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3 Feb 2014
In the second half of the prior year, the modernization of the factory OOO Borskij silikatnyi sawod, were completed successfully.
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31 Jan 2014
Since the 10th of January 2014, Masa GmbH, as a German manufacturer of machines and equipment for the sand lime brick industry, is the first foreign company that became a member of the Russian sand lime brick association “APSI“.
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29 Jan 2014
The 8th international scientific-technical conference “Experience of production and use of AAC “will take place in the period from 11th up to the 13th of June 2014 in Minsk.(Republic of Belarus).
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12 Sept 2013
Extension of the AAC plant in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, from a daily capacity of 1000 m³ to 1400 m³ completed.
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26 Apr 2013
Frank W. Reschke, Sales Director and Member of the Management, Masa GmbH, Germany:
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12 Feb 2013
MASA India – Another Milestone to Success…
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5 Feb 2013
Official Start of the New AAC Plant in Moscow Region
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8 Jan 2013
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16 Nov 2012
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7 Sept 2012
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4 Jan 2012
From 22nd to 24th May, 2012, the seventh international conference "Production and use of autoclaved aerated concrete products" will take place in Brest (Republic Belarus). As usual, MASA GmbH appear as main sponsor and technical consultant to this conference.
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11 ago 2011
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2 jun 2011
El 14 de abril tuvo lugar la inauguración de la primera fábrica para piedras silicocalcáreas en Yalutorovsk, situada a una distancia de aprox. 75 km de Tymen.
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14 abr 2011
En el año 2008, la empresa Masa-Henke Maschinenfabrik GmbH firmó el contrato de ingeniería para una fábrica de hormigón celular autoclavado con ZAO Sayanskgasobeton.
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16 mar 2011
En el verano de 2009, Masa AG recibió el encargo de suministrar una instalación completa de producción de bloques de hormigón para la firma Kost-Bet en Aleksandria (Konopiska), Polonia.
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22 dic 2010
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1 dic 2010
El 20 y 21 de octubre de 2010 tuvo lugar en Tambow (RF) la cuarta conferencia científica y práctica anual « SILIKATex. Desarrollo de la fabricación de piedras silicocalcáreas en Rusia ».
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27 oct 2010
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3 jun 2010
Gracias a una experiencia de muchos años, Masa figura hoy entre los líderes de máquinas e instalaciones y componentes para la industria de materiales de construcción. Nuestros clientes son empresas ubicadas en todos los continentes, especialidadas en la producción de materiales de construcción. Masa estuvo representada en la fería bauma 2010 en Munich y , por primera vez.
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